Cleaning crews


New Member
What is an appropiate amount of blue legged hermit crabs and turbo snails to keep a 29 Gal reef relatively clean? I've heard 1 snail to every 5 gals?


I wouldn't recommend blue leg hermits with snails, because they are known (I can personally atest to this) to kill the snails for their shells. Might want to just try an emerald crab, or some shrimp, and different varieties of snails (cerith, nassarius, margarita, turbo, etc). Good luck with whatever you do. Scarlet reef hermits are supposed to be much more peaceful in temperment, then again, hermit crabs in general can be mean? Am I alone in this thought or no?
(P.S. THen again, blue legs might work, because I have a complete haywire invert cleanup crew issues right now, the peaceful ones are becoming super aggressive, and the known "culprits" are excellent citizens, Go figure)



Originally posted by stackman
I've heard 1 snail to every 5 gals?

That sounds good to me as a start, then depending on the condition and algea production of the tank you can add more if necessary.
Many times I have heard 1 snail per gallon, but I do not agree with this, many times if you have to many snails the food runs out and then they start to starve to death.

nm reef

Active Member
I'd avoid any set in stone "so many per gal" theory. Same as I'd dispute the "blue leg hermits are evil" theory. I'd say the number of snails/crabs would be determined by the needs of your system. If there is a high bio-load and a healthy algae population then you'll need more than you'd require if the system had a low bio-load and less algae. I try to keep an assortment of 30-40 snails and 20 or so hermits(both scarlets and blue legs) along with some shrimp and emeralds. Plus I do all I can to encourage the presence of worms/pods etc.
I believe diversity is vital and should be encouraged.:cool:
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Active Member
Worms and pods are normally introduced into your aquarium in live sand and live rock.


I put live sand in my tank in the 20 pound bag. Is that what your talking about? If it is, Im not sure I see the difference.


New Member
Alright, I'll just stick to the snail per 5 gallons for right now, because I have plenty of algea. If I need more, I'll add as I need. Thanks.