Cleaning live rock?


I wanted to scrub my LR to get off some of the dead spots but how am i suppose to do that? If i scrubbed it out of the tank and ran some water over it ( from the sink) would that hurt it?


Active Member
Yes, fresh water will kill your live rock. When you are doing a water change, do it then. Do it inside a bucket of bad water so that you don't kill the bacteria on the rock.


well lion_crazz fresh water will kill your rock if u leave it in there but on every new peice of LR i get i do a very quick fresh water rince for like 10-20 sec. with the sprayer thing in my sink and that normally gets all the junk off it


I also do the sprayer thing. I have been fighting red slime, and some of the algae has died on my rocks, so i take them out one at a time (mostly so i can remember how i had them set in there.) and then spray them off with the sprayer, untill i get all of the crap off of it. So far, nothing has been hurt. My life on my rocks seem to still be alive, I have lots of feather dusters, and always see the occational bristle worm sticking out of hole.
Anyone else do this if so post your method. I have tried the power head method, but it was just too awkward and took a long time and i usually didn't get it all off.


Thanx i will have to defintly try both methods suggested. And cbort the freshwater doesn't hurt the feather dusters? ( just wondering hoping to get a couple)