Cleaning mold inside stand?


Active Member
Not really sure where to post this so I'll put it here.
I have a Wet/Dry and Skimmer inside my stand that is almost enclosed (not open in rear. I'm having a real problem with mold underneath.
I'm kind of hesitant to even wipe it off with bleach or anti mold chemicals for fear that the fumes will get in my water and wipe out my 240g salt. CANT HAVE THAT!
Any ideas or suggestions?


Active Member
Seal the top of your sump with saranwrap then bleach the stand. Ideally you should remove the sump bleach the stand let it dry then seal the inside of the stand with erither Spar urethane (very fumey) or marine shellack which is like a two part epoxy clear coat. if you do not seal the wood against moisture penetration the mold will come back. the black mold caused in these high moisture situations can cause enphesyma to flare up (if you have it) as well as respitory infections even in healthy people..