cleaning my tank



:notsure: i was wondering what will happen if i clean the back wall of my tank. after a while, it seems like it's getting filled with a brownish algea. i cleaned it once, but my amonia and nitrate levels skyrocketed. my fish seem to be doing ok. no problems. will i put them in danger if i clean the back wall? thanx.


I havent cleaned the back of my tank cause there is all kinds of baby bristle worms and other tiny creatures on it. I was told it wont hurt anything by not cleaning it. I think its just a preference


New Member
the best case scenario is to try and get coraline algae to grow on it, if this is not possible letting regular algae grow is not a real problem. The only real issue would be traped air in the algae or bacteria based algae which you do not want to leave in your tank because it can affect your nitate levels.


:speak: thanx for the input guys. hope my tank will one day look like one of these awesome tanks i've seen on this site. close, but not quite there yet.