hey guys.....i unfortunatly had to take down my reef =-(....i'm moving to southern arizona from northern california and i had to get rid of it...but so now i get to clean it ALL out......
anyways.....i was you just soak it in bleach????and should i just wipe off the heater and other small things? or soak those too....and what about my red sea prizm skimmer?? and my filter? how should i go about cleaning those???...thanks guys in advance!!! btw..go check out the classifieds thread...i'm seling my lights........!!!
anyways.....i was you just soak it in bleach????and should i just wipe off the heater and other small things? or soak those too....and what about my red sea prizm skimmer?? and my filter? how should i go about cleaning those???...thanks guys in advance!!! btw..go check out the classifieds thread...i'm seling my lights........!!!