cleaning out tanks...


hey guys.....i unfortunatly had to take down my reef =-(....i'm moving to southern arizona from northern california and i had to get rid of it...but so now i get to clean it ALL out......:mad:
anyways.....i was you just soak it in bleach????and should i just wipe off the heater and other small things? or soak those too....and what about my red sea prizm skimmer?? and my filter? how should i go about cleaning those???...thanks guys in advance!!! btw..go check out the classifieds thread...i'm seling my lights........!!!


Active Member
I would not use bleach on anything that will be in direct contact with water in the future. I would just soak them in water and scrub all the crap off them.


Soak the equipment in vinegar, scrub, rinse. You can use bleach on the tank, and or a saltpaste to scrub it.
Bleach is safe as long as it is rinsed well and allowed to dry well.


Member what type of mixture of bleach? or viniger...and what kind of viniger? or what type of bleach? just normal clorox stuff? and how long should i let everything soak for? thanks...


I use Distilled White Vinegar, soak my pumps/ powerheads/ heaters/ parts of the wet/dry, in it when they need cleaning for a few hours, depends how bad they are.
I have soaked my dead coral peices when I used them in bleach & water in a tub on my deck for a day, rinse the heck out of them and let them soak for another day in water, sniff test, rinse again.
I have scrubed a 55 gallon with a cheaper salt mix and a soft 3M sponge pad, works fine. Vinegar can be used here as well.


Sandpaper sponge? No it was just a 3M green scrub pad the softest that I could find. Look around and just find the softest one that you can. Look at the LFS they should have something. I recall that I also used one of the long sticklike ones built for aquariums and just took the sponge off of that and used it.

tony detroit

Active Member
The real easy hillbilly way is to go to K-mart, buy a detachable shower head with long hose for 15$. Turn it on high pressure setting, turn hot water on high, and I clean my prizm out in about a minute.
Note: wear shorts and a nasty t shirt, you will get some splashes on you.

tony detroit

Active Member
this way everything evaporates and you're not worried about any residual residue left on anything from bleach, vinegar, etc.