Cleaning Skimmer


Hi, i just wanted to know if you ever had to clean the collection cup of the skimmer. If you do, how often and do i just wipe it out with a towel or something. Thanks


Ideally, you want to clean it every day. You can run it under fresh water and kinda wipe the inside clean with your finger or a designated towel.
Most of us are to forgetful or lazy and empty it every day, so we at least do it every time we think of it.


Active Member
I sure do not clean mine every day. I merely dump it when it needs dumping, and give it a quick rinse and reinstall it. ABout every two weeks I will remove it and clean it with fresh water and an aquarium filter brush or sponge, and then reinstall it. About every 4 to 6 months I pull the skimmer and clean the inside of the body out with clear water and an aquarium filter brush. Use luke warm or cool water, as some plastics may not like hot water.


Originally Posted by chipmaker
Use luke warm or cool water, as some plastics may not like hot water.
As I found out the hard way. The top of my collection cup is showing cracks from the steaming hot water I've used to clean it. The dirtier the inner tube gets the less efficient the skimmer becomes, so I clean mine whenever it gets gunked up, which lately seems to be every day. My collection cup has a drainage tube so if not for the inner tube getting filthy I wouldn't have to clean it so often.