

Active Member
What is happening that makes you think it needs cleaning ??
like stuff growing on the glass or
stuff growing on the sand or
cleaning the water
or the outside needs cleaning

royal gang

Active Member
lmao, maybe get scrub/small metal plate and scrub off what u want to clean, as for cleaning ALL of it, you don't, just do a water change, if youre talking about the windows just clean them with windex or something. use gloves if you got anything poisenous..


Active Member
Originally Posted by ROYAL GANG
lmao, maybe get scrub/small metal plate and scrub off what u want to clean, as for cleaning ALL of it, you don't, just do a water change, if youre talking about the windows just clean them with windex or something. use gloves if you got anything poisenous..
if you are plannin on telling someone to clean their glass with windex that ist the best idea.
the glass may be permiable nd the windex may gt into the water and maybe kill tank,
it may be a litle far feched but you can never be 2 cautios its a 1-200 dollar mistake!

royal gang

Active Member
WHAT!!!!!!!!???????? umm how can glass be penetrable!?!?!? i didn;t know that, is that possible!?!? :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared: :scared:


Active Member
Originally Posted by ROYAL GANG
umm it's recommended every 2 weeks but i will only do it when ammonia/trites/trates get high LOL!

sounds good if you do a wc too soon then you coul take out the good nutrients out of the the water so when they get high


Originally Posted by bill109
the glass may be permiable nd the windex may gt into the water and maybe kill tank
i don't know about this. if you spray the windex on the glass, some could get into the tank, which would be bad. but as far as going through the glass...