Cleanng crew



I just started a 12 gallon Biocube about 3 weeks ago. I just added two clown fish yesterday should i wait to add a cleaning crew or can i add them now? I am also open to any suggestion as to what to use as the cleaners.


if i wer u i would have added them before the fish, but u should be fine. as for the inverts i would recommend: a cleaner or fire shrimp, some hermits (scarletts and electric blues r the best), and a bunch of snails about 10 of them. but dont add all of these guys to your tank at once, add a couple per week.


not to put you down or anything bobby but 10 snails in a 12 gallon is way unnecessary and a recipe for certain list of cleaning crew for you tank is 1 cleaner shrimp 2 hermit crabs at the most and 2 snails at the most.if you add more hermits they will kill each other and the snails.if you add to many snails they will die of starvation and 2 cents

aztec reef

Active Member
check your parameters if everything is cool, then go ahead add the cleaning crew. if not then do a water change and wait a few days than add the crew..


I checked all the paramaters everthing is fine but the nitrate levels they are up to 20 ppm is that to high for the fish to have been in only i day?


since we're on the subject...whats too much for a 20 gallon?? i have 5 turbo snails right now...gettin 5 more...and plannin on gettin like 10 hermits and 2 that too much??? of course im not getting it all at once


Active Member
it wouldnt really matter if you got all that at once... CUC dont cause much bioload... but I really dont think that its an overkill to have 10 snails in a 12g.... well, depends on what type.... obviously if its a turbo its a problem and a waste of money but something small it shoudl be fine... I'm living off of two huge snails and a dozen small ones and 2 dozen hitchikers in my 29g righ tnow... oh, and 7 blue leg hermits.


would you get any sponges or would you stick with the shrimp, snails, and the hermit crabs?