Cleanup Crew did it's job


New Member I got my fish in some swf yesterday, and proprley acclimated them all. The fire shrimp did not make it to me even, so he is in a bag covered in salt frozen until I can get him mailed out. The other purpleback was just lying on it's side the whole afternoon and barely breathing. I wasn't worried, thinking that when I awoke this morning he would be up and at em, but he is nowhere to be found. What would do about getting credit for an item that was 'food' for the ground pounders?

* The cleanup crew consists of: 5 Turbo Snails, 5 Nasurius Snails, 5 other little snails, 2 Sand Sifting Starfish, 2 Hermit Crabs, 2 Fighting Conchs, and "Neil" Diamond Goby to suck up the remainders.


Active Member
its possible he made it and is still hiding some where in your rockwork, but its also possible he died. he may have been sucked up by your overflow/ filter, did you check in there?
he could have also been eaten by your clean up crew. best thing to do is email and tell them whats up.


CUC probally got him. I remember when I ordered my shipment from DRs one of the clowns didnt look good. I drip acclimated and placed him in the tank went to work came home emerald crab was having dinner, fish all the way to the bones in a couple hour period. CUC are no joke