Cleanup crew too good? AND Nitrite spike.


My clean up crew has eaten ALL the algae and diatoms in my 55. I have about 15 turbos and 15 hermits. My question is...will they starve now? I also have a lawnmower blennie...what will they eat?
Im having a Nitrite spike (niTRITE) and am going to withhold food till I get this under control...with the cleanup crew be ok?
I assume my spike is from adding a Tang and 2 FireGobies last week. Im overfeeding too. Ive added a big airstone, skimmer is working and I will hold food too I guess. I added a new carbon to my AquaClear. I dont know what else to Tang is lethargic, the others are fine, but I guess its a matter of time.
I have 80# L/S, few pieces L/R, the above fish plus a lawnmower blennie and Perc. Im discouraged, yet I know this is my own fault. I just hope my fish can ride it out.
I know Im not supposed to do a water change for Nitrite spikes, but I did...
Any other suggestions?
Thanks everyone

mr . salty

Active Member
I think you have answered your own question as to why the nitrIte spike.Adding too many fish at a time in a small tank WILL cause an imballance in the bio system ans cause a small recycle to build up the needed bacteria to take care of the waste made by these new fish...More live rock will help to stabalise your biosystem.And avoid adding more than one fish at a time..This is also a sign that your tank is either AT,or near it's capasity...


My opinion would also be to slow down with the multiple fish introduction AND to be really careful with your feeding practices.