cleanup crew, with triggers?


New Member
what kind of cleanup crew do you use in a tank with triggers? i ask because im thinking of setting up another tank and would like to try the dsb.i love triggers though and i now the eat shrimp and crabs.i ve always had dolimite in my tanks.time for a change looks would i keep the sand bed clean?i sure have learned alot here already reading wonder my past tanks where so costly to keep,just the way my lfs liked it.


Do not use hermits!!! They will become lunch faster than you can imagine.
I have triggers in my tank and use turbo and trochus snails. They have a really hard shell and are not bothered by the triggers.


large hermits.. they are a secret weapon.. nothing scarier than a hermit in a 3" shell.. I would set up the tank with a DSB.. let it cycle and stabilize.. then set it up as a reef w/DSB.. put your old reef safe fish in the new reef tank and leave the non in the old tank... then buy some agressive fish for your old tank while your new tank matures.. then in about 6 months when you get bored.. start buying corals for the new tank.. hopefully it will be very established and you will have a very nice reef and a very nice aggresive tank.. or your can just dump all your fish in a small bucket and see who wins.. :D


its a gamble
it depends on the fish. i had a clown that would eat anything in the tang. got rid of him. i had another clown that would not even touch the stuff on the decor crab. they say pink tails are just so gentle. well i had one that would beat up on a huma huma trigger twice his size. it depends on the fish dude. they could live for 2 years fine then one morning you wake up and he has knocked off a few inverts. its like rolling dice somtimes.
in other words...what works for him may not work for you. i have a few fish that should not be with inverts. i have a some inverts in the tank with them. no problem. my wife got my a dried out star from florida and the next morning he was rip in to little pieces. but they wont touch the live stars in the tank. they are kinda like us. we pick and choose who we want to hang with.
they say different races are not to be mixed with.
that is up to you who you want to hang and be friends with. same goes for the fish. they have to decide.
<img src="graemlins//uhuh.gif" border="0" alt="[U-Huh]" /> "What did he just say"


see his friend cant keep snails with his. but the one guy can. its all about the fish.
you may have to try and add somestuff to see what happens. also consider the size. if you get one 8 inches long. well i bet he can crusha snail in a minute. but if you get it really small and raise it around inverts you may be just fine. if you get one small.........get a clown. they sill hold there on. and they are cheaper when small. like one to 2 inches. i like really done have to get on. :) he he :D


New Member
thanks for all the input it ok to use a dsb without the cleanup crew? i have always had dolimite and never worried about a cleanup crew,but after finding this board im learning about ls and lr for the first time.