cleanup crew


Is it possible to have too many cleanup crittters? I have a 30gal long tank with 2-3" Argonite (I know I need more) 20lb figi live rock. 4 damsels, anenome, feather duster, arrowcrab, 6+" worm sof some sort. 6 snails and a camel back shrimp. I was thinking of adding more crabs and snails, glass is hard to keep clean. I am running 96W PC bulbs. All of the cleanup packages would nearly double my livestock. Wht are your thoughts? :rolleyes:

old salt

If you've had your cleaner crew in for awhile and they can't keep up you could probably add a few more... maybe some hermit crabs? My understanding is that they don't really add much to your bioload.... I think the main thing is if you have too many, they will clean too good and start dying of starvation... gotta find a balance...


I say you can never have enough critters!!! in a 30 gallon you could have about 15 blue, 15 reds, 3 peppermint shrimp, 2-3 cleaner shrimp, 1-2 emerald , 1-2 sally lightfoots, along with about 10-15 turbo snails,,,, be sure to have plenty of shells for the hermits to move into as they grow!!!!!!
i would be careful with the arrow crab they are known to have bad reps. It depends on the crab but some of them will pick on your featherduster, but usually it depends on their personality.