cleanup crew


Have a 24g aquapod with live sand and live rock 20lbs. I'm planning on adding 2 clowns...what kind of cleanup crew do I need and how many of each ? Don't want to add too little or too much. Thanks in advance. Im just getting back into saltwater took over a yr off. I miss it but I feel like everything I knew I forgot..haha


Well-Known Member
Hmm. Well, you could start building up a few here and there, but definately don't add a whole bunch of critters at the same time.
Good start: 5 red leg or blue leg hermit crabs
7 astrea snails
1 black brittle star
Then, after a couple of weeks add:
5 more astrea snails and
5 more blue leg hermit crabs
You could also add a green emerald crab.
Happy reefing!


i could be wrong but i thought a brittle star could only be added in an established tank
is this true
and how old is your tank belle?


Active Member
I agree, you should not be putting, even a smaller black brittle star in as your first inhabitants. Just add a few various snails (nassarius, cerith, trochus, turbo) and go from there. You will then be able to see if you need more and where you need the help. Also hermits are unnecessary too, the only plus side to them is they can be amusing to watch, but they do nothing that a snail cannot do. JMO


the rock is older its just been in a tank in saltwalter for a yr with nothing. New sand and water so it's going to be awhile b4 I can add anything just set it up Sat


gots another ques....what does everyone think bout adding a current 20in light 150w 14k mh ? Does the top of my aquapod have to come off ? What kind of corals can you keep ? Would I need a chiller ?


Active Member
150W would be perfect for you tank, and yes the top will need to come off... You might need a chiller it depends on for much heeat it puts out. I have a 150W sunpod on my 24G nano-cube and had no heat issues and no chiller needed..
with the light you interested in you have no limit on what corals you can have, you can have any
good luck


in my 24 i got 3 hermits, 4 astrea snails, 3 turbo snails, and 2 HUGE turbos, also got 3 peppermint shrimp, and 2 emerald crabs.


wow thanks for the responses I just want to get everything right. If you are going to do this hobby I'm for doing it the right way and not over stocking. Ive never had the top off a tank before anybody have any experiences with water quality with the top being off ?


Active Member
Originally Posted by bellebelle
wow thanks for the responses I just want to get everything right. If you are going to do this hobby I'm for doing it the right way and not over stocking. Ive never had the top off a tank before anybody have any experiences with water quality with the top being off ?
with the 150W your going to have to top off every day or so.. I have been and never had any problems


gotcha I was just don't have temp problems to need a chiller ? Guess I won't get any gobies that might jump out of the tank with the top being off...also I'm new back to the site and it's changed a little is there a place where people sale frags ? I'm interested so I was wondering...much rather get them from people on here then support the lfs.


Active Member
they did away with the trading area but, some of the nano guys do still do trades an swaps an sell to friends :p so get in tight with some of them LOL but, they do have an auction site that will hopefully be back up soon


Active Member
i highly recommend the cerith snails, i think they do the best job and a group of them can clear a rock of algae in about 2 days.
i personally have 5 ceriths, 5 nassarius, 5 red legged hermits, 2 turbos, and 1 trochus and 1 peppermint shrimp in my 24. So far they are doing a pretty good job. There is a few brown algae spots but its mostly hard to reach spots they dont go to often.
I'm playing a waiting game to see if i will eventually need to add more but my advice to you is start off small and then add more if you need to.
whats wrong with adding the small brittle stars? I have like 5 in my tank and they just chill in the rocks under my coral and they dont seem to be an issue? They hitchhiked on with some frags i got from a friend


Active Member
Originally Posted by Freeborder_01
whats wrong with adding the small brittle stars? I have like 5 in my tank and they just chill in the rocks under my coral and they dont seem to be an issue? They hitchhiked on with some frags i got from a friend
i have a few that hitchhiked too. They are pretty chill, they like to hide inside of the rocks and sometimes stick their legs out to say hello.