Cleanup Crew


New Member
What would be a good clean up crew for a 5 gallon nano FOWLR?
Crabs? Snails? Conches? Shrimp?
Please respond with any ideas or wild thoughts


I would say a hand full of astrea snails to start. Keep in mind, you may need to treat your fish for sickness or parasites and many of those treatments will reak havoc on many critters. So if you don't have a seperate 'hospital' tank investing in a lot of critters could backfire. That being said I like variety and would probably like to see a couple of Scarlet hermits, a couple of bluelegs and a cleaner shrimp. You don't have enough room for a conch to survive, though I think they make a great addition. I do have a few snails left that bury themselves in the sand (similar to conchs) and come out at night (I can't remember their name, nassarius??), however I do believe my bluelegs like them more than me seeing as they are often seen sporting their shells. I also have some bumblebee snails which are pretty cool. A small brittle star might add some variety, but would probably outgrow the tank. Good luck.