

Ok so I went through the other day in my 110g and did a 15% water change.
However I tried to collect the waste from the dwarf and/or fuzzy. The syphoon couldn't pull it up and into my bucket.
Any suggestions?
As far as a cleanup crew I only have 2 green brittles and a cucumber.


Originally Posted by earlybird
try using a turkey baster to suck up the waste. Get some hermit crabs and snails.
Any perticular hermits or snails for the cleanup. Would there be a concern with the fuzzy or the sfe?


New Member
try looking for a used hang-on canister filter . You can with a little hose turn it in to a handy vacume for cleaning the tank bottom . Just atatch a hose on the intake and then hang it on the tank and plug it in so the water flows in to the filter and then back in the tank . all the detrius will be caught in the filter and Viols clean tank bottom.


Originally Posted by sniper1974
try looking for a used hang-on canister filter . You can with a little hose turn it in to a handy vacume for cleaning the tank bottom . Just atatch a hose on the intake and then hang it on the tank and plug it in so the water flows in to the filter and then back in the tank . all the detrius will be caught in the filter and Viols clean tank bottom.
I have a fluval and that makes sense! A little cumbersome but if it's effective I think it will be worthwhile. Thanks!