clear eggcrate?



do they make it and where can I get it? I want to make a top for my tank but the white and black block to much light and I dont like glass


would it warp under MH and how much to make me one for my 125


Active Member
I'd have built it, then decided to add a finger hole after getting my appendage stuck in the small square ones.


Active Member
Originally Posted by GrouperGenius
I made mine out of 1/4" acrylic on my Laser.

awesome work grouper. if you sold that I would look into buying some for sure

just would have to find a way of securing the top, which I am gonna have to do with my glass tops anyways


Active Member
Grouper, you suck, you know that dont you?
The whole light diffuser thing is keeping me from keeping some very wanted fish. I dont want the light blocked, but do want the oxygen exchange. I guess I'm going to have to get out my dremmel and mutilate a pice of acrylic. Dont worry, you wont be seeing any pics of it on here.


Active Member
Originally Posted by wattsupdoc
Grouper, you suck, you know that dont you?
The whole light diffuser thing is keeping me from keeping some very wanted fish. I dont want the light blocked, but do want the oxygen exchange. I guess I'm going to have to get out my dremmel and mutilate a pice of acrylic. Dont worry, you wont be seeing any pics of it on here.

Oh the love......


I will do the right side tomorrow
old pic hah I was just thinking ahead
or dead battery


Active Member
Hey Markeo99, I'm going to go with round holes instead of square and I'm not putting the finger hole in.
I just lost a Blue Spot Jawfish Friday night
through one of those holes in mine. I'm re-making a set for my tank as well.
I should be able to ship yours Tomorrow.


was wondering if I could get in on this thing, for my new 90 gallon set up, if so let me know if not no biggie, thank you in advance