clear-for-life aquariums


New Member
does anyone here have a clear-for-life acrylic aquarium? i'm lloking at a 125gal bowfront but the brice that i saw online was nearly $900. thats alot just for a tank. im thinking it was that much because it was online. has anyone ever bought one of these tanks and can give me a cost?
another tank i have been looking at is the oceanic systems, specifically the 90 and 175 bowfront RR. has anyone bought one of these systems? would these glass tanks be alot cheaper than the arcylic ones? sorry for all the questions!


Active Member
I've never seen large acrylic tanks anywhere but various web sites and they are all very expensive regardless of is probably cheaper:)


I just hooked up a 175 BF Oceanic reef ready system. Your looking at bucks when it comes to that. Just the tank runs about 1200-1600 depending on where you shop. Another 600-800 for the stand. And another 600-800 for the canopy. then another grand for Skimmer, wet/dry & pump. Then another 600-800 for live rock. You can bank on at least 3500 for a new system. Just depends on the deals you come across.


Active Member
When you start getting into large and odd shaped aquariums then acrylic should be much cheaper than glass. Oceanic tanks are top of the line though too.