Clearing up water?


Im starting a new 5gal tank and im running on a HOB fuge as filtration. When I added the sand the water got really murky. Its been a day or two and its still murky. Now im no newbie but I really dont have much exp. with fuge filtration. Is this normal or is there something else I can do?


Active Member
It will settle, but it might take days. When I set up my Cichlid tank, it took at least a week and a half to clear up.
I assume your tank doesn't have any livestock in it... so you have time to wait.


all i have is the live rock that i got this past weekend. im gonna try and run some carbon see what happens.


Active Member
yeah, carbon will clear it up. I just started an 8 gallon and mine has been cloudy for a day and a half, so I added some carbon an hour ago.


Active Member
Mechanical filtration of some kind is necessary to trap particles. That can be filter floss, a foam block, whatever.

aztec reef

Active Member
this is totally normal when setting up a tank and yes carbon will definetly help to clear the water.