click, click?


Well I have read so many thread on the dreaded clicking and Mantis shrimp.....the past week I have been noticing a clicking coming from my tank. I have never heard it before, and once in a while I do now...very distinct "clicking" sound. I thought it may be a hermit banging it's shell on the glass...nope....
I haven't lost any fish, my pep shrimp is still there....
Could it be? The only thing I have introduced in the past month has been a hammer and a small rock covered in gsp's. I also bought an anenome shrimp the the day, they don't click do they?
Any ideas?



Originally posted by freeride7
The only thing I have introduced in the past month has been a hammer and a small rock covered in gsp's. I also bought an anenome shrimp the the day, they don't click do they?

No they don't click. Sometimes the turbo snails will spin their shells agaisnt the glass, which isn't very loud really.
The mantis will sound more like a dime being rapped against the glass.


i had 2 hermits make that sound -- i dunno if they were fighting or what but it made a loud clicking sound so i seperated em across the tank


Active Member
The mantis will sound more like a dime being rapped against the glass.

i never heard a dime being rapped. :cheer:


In this hobby, who has a dime left to rap??? I don't have a dime, can I borrow a dime?? :notsure:


If it's a mantis you'll know soon enough by the missing livestock. Otherwise there isn't much you can do but wait it out and see. Look around the rocks and see if you spot any broken snail and/or hermit shells. Telltale signs of a mantis. Could be a pistol shrimp which is harmless though.