

Active Member
This is what im hearing at night. I have 2 cleaner shrimp. The clicking noise sounds like a pistol or mantis shrimp but i never bought one, I have also heard the noise atleast 3 months ago.. I have never seen a mantis in my tank. Think it could be my cleaner shrimp clicking away?


Active Member
Could it be a snail or hermit hitting the glass with it's shell? Fooled me one time. I think pistol or mantis are the only 2 that make that noise. :D


Active Member
I don't have any hermits, but i dont think the snails shell would make a noise like that, it was two clicks back to back.. No way it could be a snail, those pesky shrimp! *Fires up grill*


Active Member
I did a search awhile ago (cant find it now, thats how long ago) and I found a thread that explained the difference in the clicks. One was like you mentioned and the other was said to sound like a machine gun. I cant remember which goes with which (sorry), but maybe this will help others to elaborate. Have you been hearing it for the last 3 months?


Active Member

Originally posted by wocka
I don't have any hermits, but i dont think the snails shell would make a noise like that, it was two clicks back to back.. No way it could be a snail, those pesky shrimp! *Fires up grill*

Cleaner shrimp aren't strong enough to make the clicking sounds. I think you've got a mantis in there.


Active Member
NOO!! no mantis!!! I also have a glass tank, that can be a problem too? how shall i get this guy out
can i put a mantis in a .75 gallon :D or possibly a 2g with some blue leg hermits


Active Member
If you can "locate" the approximate area of the clicks,you can set a pantyhose trap.Take a pair of pantyhose..cut a large enough piece to place a meaty chunk of food{something that won't break up like a silverside or some clams}in it..and tie knots on either end..or use the toe area of the hose..and a knot in one end.Tie a fishing line to the end..and also place something like a small chunk of LR in with the food,for weight.Drop near the rock at night,where you hear the sound.The mantis will try to get the bait,and his forearms will become entangled in the pantyhose.Do this every night,and remove by day,until he is trapped.Be careful removing him if you do catch him,he can slice open your finger!Good luck!