clicking noise from trigger


New Member
i heard a clicking noise coming from my tank & i saw my niger making abrupt backward movements & clicking what might that be? :confused:


I have that clicking noise too whenever I turn off the aquarium lights...I'm guessing it is caused by small pistol shrimps/snapping shrimps that comes with the live rock.


ok youve probably heard this but you really should have lr its great for filtration and it looks really cool with different color corraline algae


My niger does the same think, usually after feeding time when he swims up to the top of the tank and making the clicking noise with his mouth. Its pretty cool and it has gone on for a while so I wouldn't get worried.
very common for the trigger to make noises they i belive i read it was a form of comunication so it is more than likely that it is basically just giving u notice it is still there ;)


I dont have exp. w/ triggers so I cant comment on that, but I was wondering if you have a flame scallop that is it ..if not do you have any hermits,their shells also do this as they hit the glass..just another thought


It's normal for all triggers do make that clicking sound. But as far as why or how, I don't know. So don't worry about it.