Clicking Noise in tank


New Member
:rolleyes: I've have been set up for about 5 months now and everything is doing great. I have 2 yellow tangs, 1 flaming angel, 1 lawnmower, Sally light foot, 3 turbo, oh and 2 damsels not sure what kind the are but they are blue and yellow and lots of coral. My question is when my lights go off at night i hear this clicking sound in my tank. I thought it was the ballasters for my lights but its not does anyone know what this noise might be?


I have seen others mention that their ballasts make a clicking noise so hopefully that's it. Otherwise, it could be something worse like a mantis shrimp but if you didn't recently add any LR or notice things missing lately then maybe that's not it. It could also be a pistol shrimp if you recently added LR but haven't noticed anything missing. I think that they are harmless mostly but they do make a clicking noise.
do you have power heads? if so you may have got some thing in the fan blades. i have that happen once so you might look into that. good luck


Do you have snails? If so, next time you hear this noise, get a flashlight and look at the glass...most likely you'll see snail wiggling it's shell and knocking it against the glass. Happened to me. If you haven't acquired live rocks recently, it's likely a snail.


I have a seriatapora, with a pistol shrimp in it, and she ckicks, sounds like an electrical problem, I though the same thing the first time I heard her.:eek: