
About how much did you spend on your reef aquarium (without the tank and stand)?
How much do you think I would be spending on a 55gallon reef aquarium if rightnow it is a freshwater with filter airbubbles and heater?
You are probably going to be shocked by alot of peoples responses to this question. In Predator (hes a member on this board also) and I's tank if you don't include the tank and stand we have probably spent around 5000-6000. Alot thanks to Predator who can afford to put alot more into than I can.


again, the thing to remember is that you're taking a piece of the ocean... ecosystem and all and putting it in your living room. If you want it to work, and look nice, and not have everything die... you're gonna spend a decent amount of $$$.
This guy spent around 20k
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>


Active Member
Sky's the limit in this hobby ... but don't let it discourage you. I've seen some beautiful reef tanks that have been put together on a budget.
Lighting and Live Sand (LS) and Live Rock (LR) will cost you some buck$.
Sump / Pumps / Skimmer / if desired also add$ up.
Corals aren't cheap - but you can start off slow and add as you gain experience and can afford more.
Accessories add up as well - test kits, salt mix, RO or RO/DI water treatment ( or buy water ), supplements/buffers/calcium etc ...
The tank, stand and heater are actually not the most expensive items.
You could get a moderate start on a reef tank for about $500.00 bucks
But once you've been bitten .... it's all over <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />