Closed loop or Tunze?


New Member
I am looking to increase flow in my tank while removing my 3 MJ900's. I was originally going with a closed loop running around 1200gph, but now I am looking at adding a Tunze 6010. My tank is a 90gl RR with a 30gl fuge.
So what are the pros and cons of each?


I would personally get the tunze wavebox. These things are great. They have tons of flow and you would not need any powerheads or closed loop. There is a guy in the classified section on here selling a 210 gallon set up and he has the tunze wavebox and a video shot of it in motion. It is pretty amazing. He is only asking $250 for it!!!! Go check it out.


Active Member
Do some research on the wavebox first.....I've read that they may cause problems down the road on tanks......Do some research


Active Member
I have a closed loop AND a tunze stream.
DO the closed loop first and if you want more you can always add the stream.


Are the tunze really worth it for the money? I heard the seio's are pretty decent too. I need another ph and was looking at the Turbelle Stream 6000 but I'm having a hard time with that price.


Active Member
I have the electronically controllable stream 6100. All I can say is, wow.
There's a controller you can get for it: I have it set at 2 different speeds and it pulses back and forth. You can also press a button to turn it off if you are trying to spot feed something. You can also get a light sensor that lowers the power of the pump when the lights go off.