closed loop system help


will be tearing down tank (freshwater)and starting over even have new tank same dimensions but no holes yet(acrylic)
tank dimensions are 6'long 24"high 18"deep external 1/2 acrylic
approx 135 gallons..will be using a closed loop system with a
30 square foot(media)nu-clear canister filter with a gen x 4 pump.specs
Flow Rate:1190
Max Head: 22'
Motor Speed: 3000rpm
Inlet/ Outlet: 3/4" MPT/ 3/4" MPT
first question can i get away with this pump just for the cycling period?probably will use a dolphin 2500gph after cycle..
intake,where should it go(back piece of acrylic)close to the bottom??and how many?
return (also back piece of acrylic) close to the top??and also how many??and what size plumbing..
going to drill holes tonight got the salt and meter so sooner the better...thanx in advance...shane