Closed loop


Active Member
Can someone please explain the whole concept of the closed loop, how to do it, what I need to do it, and anything else anyone wants to share? I am getting ready to start the set up of my 380gallon, and want to know if I should do a closed loop?


Forgot to mention. A CLS allows you to remove powerheads from your tank thereby removing heat and electrical cords out of your tank.


Originally Posted by BellaNavis
So basicaly its nothing special to buy, its just a seceial way of plumbing?
It can be as simple as that with PVC piping and/or vinyl tubing, ball valves (so you can remove your pump for cleaning without dumping water everywhere), and hose clamps you can get at Home Depot or Lowes and just get a pump rated at the GPH you want to achieve. Or you can go the route that Tree did with his setup and get creative with an 8 output manifold. Again, you can customize to your needs. I hooked my system up to my chiller.
BTW, my daughter goes by Nikki also. Her middle name is Nicole.


Active Member
Cool, thanks for the info. Thats cool about your daughter, we spell Nikki the same, not a lot of people spell it that way, but we spell Nicole diffrent, I spell it Nichole, its shortened form Nicholetta.


Originally Posted by BellaNavis
Cool, thanks for the info. Thats cool about your daughter, we spell Nikki the same, not a lot of people spell it that way, but we spell Nicole diffrent, I spell it Nichole, its shortened form Nicholetta.
Not a problem. I'm hoping more people post pics of their CLS on that thread. Looking forward to seeing pics of your 380! I can only dream for now.
Forgot to add that with a tank that size, a CLS would make sense as opposed to numerous powerheads to create flow. It would create a lot of maintenance having to clean all those PH.


Active Member
Ironic, Nichole is my daughters middle name also? Drove through Murrieta and Temecula today on the way back.


Originally Posted by Phixer
Ironic, Nichole is my daughters middle name also? Drove through Murrieta and Temecula today on the way back.
I noticed you were from CA and CO. Is it your daily work commute?!?! :scared:
LOL Just out of curiousity, is it family or business that co-locates you? My daughter prefers Nikki. She's mad at us for naming her Dominique. Too long to spell!


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1knight164
I noticed you were from CA and CO. Is it your daily work commute?!?! :scared:
LOL Just out of curiousity, is it family or business that co-locates you? My daughter prefers Nikki. She's mad at us for naming her Dominique. Too long to spell!

Yeah, I work in Cornado family lives in Colorado. I usually fly back at least monthly but not lately due to the snow.



Originally Posted by BellaNavis
Cool, thanks for the info. Thats cool about your daughter, we spell Nikki the same, not a lot of people spell it that way, but we spell Nicole diffrent, I spell it Nichol
e, its shortened form Nicholetta
German varriant of the name?


Originally Posted by saltn00b
I moved my 150g tank 2 weeks ago and drilled the back wall for two large CLS intakes and plumbed halfway. after some other upgrades im working on, i will be popping a Dart on and plumbing a manifold. i am a big fan of this type of set up, check out this link:
Now THAT is one hell of an idea. Great link, definitely different. If you decide to do it, sure could use your take on it. Please keep us posted!


Originally Posted by Phixer
Yeah, I work in Cornado family lives in Colorado. I usually fly back at least monthly but not lately due to the snow.

Holy moly! You're deployed longer than I am!
Hope your family is well in all that snow. What a mess! I hear they're feeding the cattle by plane or helicopter.


Active Member
1knight, keep an eye out for a CLS w/ manifold documentation thread, coming soon to your local DIY forum!


Originally Posted by saltn00b
1knight, keep an eye out for a CLS w/ manifold documentation thread, coming soon to your local DIY forum!
Looking forward to it
and thanks!


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1knight164
Holy moly! You're deployed longer than I am!
Hope your family is well in all that snow. What a mess! I hear they're feeding the cattle by plane or helicopter.
I remember the blizzard of 1982. Now that was a storm. When we opened our front door it looked like someone hung a white sheet up. Had to dig out.
Several Marines in my family. Are you still on active duty?