closed loop


New Member
I have a 125 gallon RR setup and while getting all my stuff cleaned up and out of storage I found that a few of my hydro powerheads not working. So I am looking into a closed loop system . I have asingle corner overflow . 1-1/4 drain and 1 inch return. I am new to this closed reef. If I drill two drains at 1-1/4 and four outputs to handle a 3/4 loc lines..will this work. I havent decided on a external pump but most likely a little giant with the GOH according to the setup. Will this work?


Active Member
Not sure what GOH means.....But your plan on 2 drains and 4 returns is feasible....Now keep in mind that the 4 returns aren't going to push water equally....Water will exit it's easiest or closest exit meaning your ports that have the shorts run will push more water unless you regulate them will valves and tune them accordingly to push evenly or how you choose.......Just my .02


I think the OP means GPH, as O and P are next to each other on the keyboard...
However, I'm also confused about the "closed-loop" reference.
Do you mean you want to add another overflow, or are you planning on running a true closed-loop, where the drains for the CL are fed directly to the CL pump? There's no real reason to make the CL drains so large...just match them to the input of the pump since these are not gravity-fed.
Here's how I did our 48" 100 gal:



New Member
Well after looking it over. I found out I have tempered glass on the bottom and the back. Hint the big white sticker that said tempered glass. I have one corner overflow but I want to some how have two drains going into my profelx sump 4. It has two drain pipes but I only have one drain at the moment. I'll stick with my hydro or maybe by the tunze wave maker. Can I add a hob overflow box to help increase the drain.


Yes, you can add a HOB O/F would be kinda like adding a second built-in. You might want to consider a low-noise standpipe for it, probably a Stockman mod.