clouded fish eye


I looked at my flame angel today and one of his eyes is really cloudy or has a white film over it. Any suggestions?


Active Member
hello again.
that doesnt sound good
. i had my royal gramma kill of three other of my fish. does it look poped out at all? if so it is "pop eye". do you have a qt? if you do put it in right away because it spreads quick.


well his eye was not clouded today, but he was looking alittle funny, could it just be some kind of fish cold?


Staff member
Did you just get this fish? What are your water readings? When is the last time you did a water change?


max, I have the same thing. I have a pearlscale butterfly that is having the same thing. I put him in a QT and treat it with pimafix it seems too be working but he's eye is still cloudy and it still looks popped out. I has been 2 weeks since I have started to treat him. Don't know if its going to work but I'm trying to keep him alive. I don't think he is eating. All my readings on tank are good. I do a water change ever week. Does anyone know if its going to live? Has anyone ever have this type of disease?


E.M. Tablets 8 Tablets (Aq. Pharm.)
Item number QP0039
Effective medication for the treatment of erythromycin-susceptible bacterial diseases aquarium fish. For freshwater and saltwater fish. This medication will not color the aquarium. This medication can be used in conjuction with Aquarium Pharmaceuticals anti-parasitic medications.
For treatment of: Hemorrhagic septicemia, body slime and eye cloud, cotton mouth disease, furunculosis (aeromonas).
Directions: Use one tablet for every 10 gallons of aquarium water, wait 24 hours and repeat treatment. Repeat treatment for a total of 4 doses of E.M. tablets. Then make a final 25% water change and add fresh activated carbon.
Ingredients: Each E.M. tablet contains 200mg of erythromycin.
If you use this stuff it should be gone in a few days. Just crush it up w/ a pill crusher. I used 1/2 tablet for every 10 gallons. It worked great for me.If you use this stuff it should be gone in a few days. Just crush it up w/ a pill crusher. I used 1/2 tablet for every 10 gallons. It worked great for me