Cloudy eye on Emperor


Well, I noticed that my Emperor now has an infection in one of his eyes. I put him in a QT over the weekend and checked the parameters in the water. My Nitrates were elevated to about 80-100. I did several 60 gallon water changes over the past 3 days to get them back down. They are at 10-20 now.
Sal= 1.024, PH=8.2.
I think he scratched his eye on some LR which caused the infection. I'm trying to figure out now why the Nitrates got so elevated. I was using a new Red Sea test kit and after I couldn't get them down I bought a Salifert kit and they were the usual 10-20. So I'm not sure if they were even elevated or not. My question to you is. Do I just keep an eye on him and see if it goes away. Or do I treat him with melafix? Or some other antibiotic. I've been looking for signs of ich but nothing yet. He's eating like a pig in the QT and I still have the main tank water flowing through the QT. I can isolate it If I need to medicate. Any help would be appreciated.


i got the same problem whit my tang u can berly see it is eating good it just start it today my ph is 8.2 amonia 0,nitrite 0, and my nitrate 0. do u tink garlyc it will help o mela flex??:notsure:


:notsure: speedy get alot diferent food all that u can tink of salt..1.022 all the week:thinking: what can be wrong?


Sounds like we have an epidemic of cloudy eye. Garlic wont hurt and does help out the immune system. So, if you have it sure use it. Just keep an eye on the other tang eye to make sure it stays clear.
I've been told to watch it for a few days. and see if it will clear up on it's own. So far it seems about the same after 5 days. So I'm teetering on using melafix in the Q tank to help the process.
My Emperor can't compete for food in the big tank cause he can't see out of the cloudy eye. But in the QT tank he has the time to find the food.


Man that's great.
I'm going to start an antibiotic tonight to try to help out in the battle against this infection. I don't want him to loose that eye. It's not getting any better. Time to take more evasive action.


:thinking: whent i came home i make a water whit garlyc i hope if it was an infection in the tank it will help to kill it but yea all the white stuf in his eye are gone