CLoudy Eye


New Member
I have a Doouble Barr Spinefoot who I bought on line. When I got it, it had fairly cloudy eyes. It eats well, gets a little harrassed by a Ring tailed Surgeonfish, but holds its own (isn't chased, only when its Nori feeding time) but I can't seem to clear his eyes, water condition is fine. Is there some remedy which would slove the problem. My LSF said it was bacteria and gave me some tablets, but didn't do a thing.


Staff member
Well, what were the tablets? What type of tank setup do you have? I'm sure the medicaiton is an antibiotic, however, it is not a advisible to medicate your main tank. And you can not place medications in a tank that has live rock, live sand or any inverts.
The harrassment and competition for food is a problem. I would suggest that you offer some food on one side of tank to keep the tang busy, then offer the new fish food on the other side of the tank at the same time.
When is the last time you did a water change? Water changes will sometimes clear up cloudy eye problems. Do you have a separate hospital tank, just in case you need to medicate the fish?


New Member
I don't have a hospital tank but my main tank is 180 gal, 150 LR, 100 LS and the tablets were some sodium thing. I do water changes every 3 weeks, about 10%. I have a Lunare Wrasse which I got at the same time, it has cleared up so I guess I will just have to wait.