cloudy eyed huma huma


New Member
My huma huma has been in my tank for about 2 weeks and he starting to get a cloudy eyes, should i be concerned about this?


Active Member
Originally Posted by JJD0313
My huma huma has been in my tank for about 2 weeks and he starting to get a cloudy eyes, should i be concerned about this?
yes you should cloudy eyes is a sign of bad water quality or stress or illness.check you water paremeters for high amonia nitrates nitrites ect and ph balence.if ahows withing less than .10 then its not that if higher do a water change dose with melafix before it turns to popeye or worse.also what type of food are you feeding it triggers need a wide variety of meaty foods with some amounts of vegitation. proper food for him would be krill ,mysis shrimp, chopped squid ,phlankton silverslides all sw variety of meaty foods a flake or pelleted food as an alternate scheduled feeding will also do nicely.I presoake all my foods in selcon and garlic extreme priar to feeding


New Member
thanks for the advice- how often should i feed the triger- that little

is always hungry- right now i feed him once a day shrip and fresh clam- is that good?


Active Member
triggers are pigs he should be fed at least 2 times per day I feed all of my fish 3 times per day.he will need a varied diet of meaty foods such as clams shrimp krill mysis shrimp squid they will also eat flakes pellets but need meaty the most a lil veggie in the diet will also be helpful.i say at least once day of frozen prepared foods to save a bit of money go with pellets and flakes.please be advized huma triggers are known for being a very well manner tank mate for a very long time with no agression towards other fish and out of the blue tank owners have woken up to an empty tank with nothing alive but the huma trigger.they are the pitbull of triggers so to speek.this statement also goes for other species of triggers.I dont know how many times (on other forums) to have a trigger owner defend their triggers as exemplary modol citicens in their tank to one day asking how could my fish had done this he was good what happened to him.just a warning for you.once i read about this in a few of my fish books i returned mine to the LFS .good luck with him keep him well fed is all i can say


Active Member
Originally Posted by unleashed
please be advized huma triggers are known for being a very well manner tank mate for a very long time with no agression towards other fish and out of the blue tank owners have woken up to an empty tank with nothing alive but the huma trigger.they are the pitbull of triggers so to speek.
I can attest to that!! I had my humu for about 2 years and he was a fantastic fish. Very well behaved, a model citizen. Then one day and started picking at my Lion to the point where I had to put the lion down. After that he started going after my puffer, so I had to give him to a friend of mine with an empty tank.


Active Member
the cloudy eye may be due to a fungus and the white eyes are the fishes' extra slime coat. you can try one of two things. one is a freshwater dip, put the fish in freshwater and a source of oxygen. he might lay on his side at first until he becomes acclimated to the freshwater going through his gills instead of saltwater. he should get up swimming arouind. they cna last up to 5 hours in freshwater depending on the fishes' hardiness. the parasite will fall off b/c it cant stand the freshwater. also you can try a formulin 3 bath/dip. put in a small bucket or bowl. follow the directions on the bottle and use with an air stone. this should on be done for 20 mins...
Poor water quality and stress are the reasons for the cloudy eye. Purely a guess, but I would say your tank is too small or you have not been diligent with your water changes especially with a messy eater like a trigger.
I would suggest to use hyposalinity to treat the trigger in a hospital tank. Slowly(48 hrs) lower the salinity down to 1.009. After the cloudy eye has been treated leave him in the tank for a couple more weeks and then slowly over a weeks time raise the salinity back up to your normal level.


Active Member
Originally Posted by mightyoxjuice
Poor water quality and stress are the reasons for the cloudy eye. Purely a guess, but I would say your tank is too small or you have not been diligent with your water changes especially with a messy eater like a trigger.
I would suggest to use hyposalinity to treat the trigger in a hospital tank. Slowly(48 hrs) lower the salinity down to 1.009. After the cloudy eye has been treated leave him in the tank for a couple more weeks and then slowly over a weeks time raise the salinity back up to your normal level.
hyposalinity only treats external paresites on a fish. it does not cure or treat bacterial or fungal infections.Do NOt treat with hypsalinity unless you see signs of the paresite on your fish.test your water paremeters do a water change if needed. change out filter media if you have not done so recently, this should be done regularly. if water does not need to be changed I suggest removing carbons and and treat with melafix for 7 days.this will not harm inverts or corals or screw up your biological filteration .it will however releave stress and help eliminate bacterial or fungal infections.