Cloudy Eyes?


Tonight I looked in my aggresive tank and my lionfish's eyes were cloudy, really cloudy! The salinity was a tad high, the temp is fine, and the tank is bout' 3 months old. He is also hanging around the surface.
I know it's not normal, but what is it and how can I clear it up?! :notsure:


Active Member
well frankly this doesnt sound good, my lion did this right before he died. i think the best thing to do would be to make his last moments peaceful and do a water change...


A few things come to mind, Water, Diet or Bacterial infection......... Check your water, make sure everything is fine.
What does your lions diet consist of?
Are you soaking the foods in vitamins?
What size is your lion & what size tank?
What other tank mates?
What kind of lion?
There are a few ways to take care of it, lets narrow it down.....