Cloudy in 1 eye


Beth, me again. New flame angel put in my qt for 4 days now and he developed a cloudy/puffy eye. I read some of the other posts but didn't know if it regularly affects 1 eye or both. pH is 7.9 amm is 0.1, trates are 5 and trites are 0.1. Salt is 1.024. He is eating brine shrimp, dried algae, and flakes. I soaked the brine in garlic. Just to add, he also seems to be very timid and shy. Often hiding in my black plumbing pipes. I just did a water change. No sign of ich yet. QT been running for about 7 weeks.


Staff member
The conditions of the water of the QT is bad. Is this an uncycled tank? You need to do everything to get those water reading down to ZERO, and raise the pH, slowly using a buffer.
I would suggest doing hyposalinity. What do you have to measure salinity? Hypo will assist the fish stress a bit, and addresss any ich that might be developing. Additionally, it will also work at replenishing your current bad water with fresh good water. Be sure to keep an eye on pH when lowering salinity, as hypo water conditions usually lows pH.
The fish's stress could cause the symptoms you mention and should be addressed immeidately.


Beth, I think I rushed my post last time. Upon re-analyzing my angel and doing some searches on this site, I believe he has pop eye. His eye is not cloudy, but is huge and as a result looks kinda hazy. I did a water change last night and ph is up to 8.1. This is now day 5 that I have had him. Noticed the eye on day 3. No other signs of infection. Still eating, swimming as usual.


Staff member
So lets see if the water change improved the situation. If not, then you can do a course of antibiotics using MaracynTwo for Saltwaterfish, double dose for 5 days. Just before each dose, do a water change, and, if you can setup a temporary source of carbon filtration, then run a carbon filter for an hr, in addition to the water change, just before a redose. Otherwise, at all other times, remove carbon from the treatment tank.


Beth, I think the condition is getting worse. His eye looks more swollen. And now I think he is starting to go a bit pale and there seems to be a white spot on his tail. Looks to be bigger than ich. I've been at work all day today but will get the medicine for him tommorow. Thanks for your help


The last thing I did for him was the water change and bringing the pH up. I will buy some maracyn2 and administer it today. Didn't have time to get any yesterday. Will let you know how it goes.


This was day 3 of treatment but unfortunately my flamer has passed on. Going to that big bowl in the sky. :mad: The eye was still puffy this morning and was totally black to the sight. I was able to feed it slightly. Not as hungry as he usually was. Breathing seemed to be laboured. Thanks for all your help beth.


Beth, now that i lost my fish, should I change all the water out of my quarantine tank or should I just do a big water change. And when can I add another fish? Any chance that the next fish will get the same thing my last one did.