Cloudy Tank


Hi all,
This is the info on my tank:
Established in 2001, 20 Gal, 2x65 power compacts (new bulbs 2 months), around 20 pounds of live rock, 2 1/2" sand bed. Maxijet 900 for water movement. Hang on filter without the biowheel. NO corals, 1 clown, 1 fire shrimp, 7 hermit crabs. A couple of snails that burrow in the sand.
PH 8.2
Ammonia 0
Nitrites 0
Nitrates 0
CAL 340 Low I will be working on that.
Phos test does not show any value.
Water changes are being done with water purchased at one of those glacier point sales on the supermarket, I always make sure the machine has been recently checked.
What could be the reason for such a cloudy water?
Thanks for your input.


Staff member
Has it always been cloudy? What happened to make it cloudy? Add sand? Change water? What happened?


I have never had this problem before.
The last big change was the new bulbs. I also changed food source from regular pelets to formula one. I don't think I over feed since I do it every third day. I am currently running a carbon cartridge on the HOB filter it cleared a little bit but still cloudy.
I am also trying to raise CAL by putting 20ml of calcium every morning (I do not think that is too aggresive since the ratio is 1ml per gallon, however if it is please let me know)
I'm going to try and set up a refugium with some caulerpa this coming weekend (I've been lazy on this task for the last couple of months).
The tank has been skimmerless for almost four years, it looks however that the time to buy one has come. If I decide to buy one, Can I buy one rated for a bigger tank? I'm thinking on going to a 120Gal and it would not make sense to buy a small skimmer for a tank that eventually is going to be replaced. I'm looking at the remora C line since is the one with the best record on this board users.
Thanks for your help.


If it is "white cloudy", its probably a bacterial bloom from over-feeding, or food going uneaten. The fact you recently changed foods backs up my hypothesis.
Does this scenario fit into the timeline of when the problem started?