Cloudy Water from Sand

Hello Everyone!!
I put some sand into my established tank earlier and it contained quite a bit more dust then I thought was left on it. The tank is completely cloudy, and while I know that it will settle, will it harm my fish in any way?


Active Member
No, it should not. Just make sure you have your water flowing and your filters working and it should calm down soon.
Thanks for the quick replies -- perhaps I should have washed it off more. Didn't expect such a dust storm. The flow is strong and I have my filter running so hopefully the fish will be fine. I'll go say a little prayer just in case!!
Thank you all again!!


Active Member
I made this mistake before as well, and after one day i did a 10% water change and carfully sucked up the fine silt that settled on the bottom and all was good in less thatn 24 hours.
Good luck.


Active Member
That happend to me when I put live sand into my tank. It took about three days to get clear but it should not harm your fish. Be sure to keep routinley checking your silinity, amonia, nitrite, nitrate, alk, and ph levels. Don't freak out, you and your fish should be fine.
You all are fantastic -- not sure where I would be without these boards!! The water looks much better this morning, still somewhat cloudy... but at least I can see everything again!!
I hope you all have a Merry Christmas!!