cloudy water in QT help!!



Hi everyone,
I recently had an out break of ich in my tank. So I decided to put my two clown fish and damsel in the 10 gal qt and keep my yellow tang and banner fish in the main tank with the salinity at 1.009. All went well for a couple of days but it took a turn for the worst starting with the tang. The YT started hiding under some rocks and only come out for feedings,but one night I noticed my YT breathing heavy and laying on its side under a rock display. So I quickly gave it a fresh water dip and placed him in the QT tank. As for the banner fish, he started twitching uncontrolably, so I took him out also. I know the 10 gal is much to small for the fish, but I had to take quick action. Its been 5 days since they all been in the QT. They are eating and getting along great, but the water is so cloudy. How can I get rid of this? I took the carbon cartridge out of the filter because of the copper meds I am giving them. Can I put the carbon cartridge back in for a few hours a day? I change the water in the QT once a day about 30-40%. My ammo=0.25, nitrite=0, nitrate=10, PH=8.2, Temp=78.
One more thing, My yellow tang has a red spot on and around his dorsal fin can anyone identify this problem?


Staff member
Why are some fish being treated in the display, and you moved some fish to the QT? :confused:
All you can do is water change. What are the water readings? Did you just set up the QT?


Active Member

Originally posted by monsterM
I recently had an out break of ich in my tank. So I decided to put my two clown fish and damsel in the 10 gal qt and keep my yellow tang and banner fish in the main tank with the salinity at 1.009.

There was no need to separate the fish. You have to assume that all your fish had ich. You could have treated them all with hyposalinity in the main tank (and only remove the live rock, corals and any invertebrates.
All went well for a couple of days but it took a turn for the worst starting with the tang. The YT started hiding under some rocks and only come out for feedings,but one night I noticed my YT breathing heavy and laying on its side under a rock display. So I quickly gave it a fresh water dip and placed him in the QT tank. As for the banner fish, he started twitching uncontrolably, so I took him out also. I know the 10 gal is much to small for the fish, but I had to take quick action. Its been 5 days since they all been in the QT. They are eating and getting along great, but the water is so cloudy. How can I get rid of this? I took the carbon cartridge out of the filter because of the copper meds I am giving them. Can I put the carbon cartridge back in for a few hours a day? I change the water in the QT once a day about 30-40%. My ammo=0.25, nitrite=0, nitrate=10, PH=8.2, Temp=78.
One more thing, My yellow tang has a red spot on and around his dorsal fin can anyone identify this problem?

I don't quite understand why the YT got sick. I suspect that you were treating a tank with multiple lifeforms that couldn't survive hyposalinity and your ammonia spiked when the worms, etc died from hyposalinity. Did you check the readings.
Freshwater dips are very stressful for fish and are rarely recommended.
Are you using copper as well as hyposalinity? There is no need to use both treatments if you know that the infection is ich. The copper can be toxic to fish.
Carbon can be used within a QT. Copper binds to carbon poorly so this might be tried if you are going to continue to make sure your levels are okay.
Any ammonia can be toxic to fish. The red spot on your tank may be related to this. Are you sure the ammonia is real? Some test kits cannot distinguish between low and zero ammonia levels. If the ammonia is for real (which I would expect considering how many fish are in the tank) you should consider continuing frequent water changes and using a product such as Amquel which will detoxify ammonia.