cloudy water/protein skimmer?


I installed my protein skimmer about 5 days ago. At the time I installed it my water was clear and now it is all cloudy. I am assuming that it is associated with the protein skimmer??
If so what do I need to do or will it clear up and how long??


What type of skimmer is it, Hang on or Sump? Did you use a sandbed? and is this a new tank?


The tank is only 6 weeks old. My cycle has been completed for appox 2 weeks. I have 2 damsels and 2 clownfish and no one else feeds them. My protein skimmer is a hang on.
I did notice that it is starting to clear up a little and the protein skimmer has helped with the algae. Is that what could be making it cloudy?
Typically algae causing cloudiness is more of a yellow or green tinge to the water, and to be honest I can't say I've ever seen this in a Saltwater tank. I would double check you water parameters also if you don't test for Ca try that too as when Calcium gets to saturation in the water it will precipitate out of solution and cause a cloudiness. Although if your not adding a Ca supplement to the aquarium I wouldn't imagine that the Cacium would be at that point. Either way good idea to do a full line of testing and post your results.