Cloudy Water

karl nyhus

New Member
I have been battiling a certain cyno bacteria (red alge) I have tried every thing i can think off to weekly water changes,With the use of R/o water,running carbon. I have an E.T.S evolution 500 protien skimmer. I use a 15watt U.V. light
made by Aqua. All levels including ammonia,nitrate,nitrite,are all zero with a ph of 8.3 My 90 gallon F/O tank is a home for my purple tang,Majestic angel Naso tang (blonde) lemon peel angel. All were doing fine. About a week aqo i decided to add a product called antired. Last night my tank
was cloudy Milky color. This morning i found my lemon peel dead. Last night all fish looked fine all ate threre dinner.
Other than the lemon peel all fish seem fine. and all ate breakfast. A water test revealed high ammonia nitrite zero nitrate
zero this morning. The red algea is compleatly gone. My quistion is did this product kill my biological filter in the bio balls since this red alge is a form of bacteria. Any input would be apprciated.
To me it seems that the product made your ammonia spik which the high ammo. killed your fish. The the label warn you on spikes? Is your water still cloudy? I want to know because I have that same problem and since it cleared the algea I'm interested. I would like to know what to look for. Anyway, if I were you I'll do imediate and frequent water changes because of the high ammonia. JMO

karl nyhus

New Member
Yes my water is still cloudy. Upon further research I was told the product was good
but needed to be used carefully. The cloudyness i am seing is the dye off of the red alge inturn causing the ammonia spike.
what i was told unfortunatly after I used the product was to remove as mutch as the alge as possible and then add the product inturn limiting the dye off. Skimmer is a must It did say in the instructions to use
to remove the waste from dye off i had to turn mine off because it went nuts didnt want a flood. Hope this helps im only sorry
what i no now i new before and prevented the death of the lemon peel. Hopefully i caught in time. I changed thirty gallons of water this after noon and stated running carbon to help remove waste and the remainder of the product.
Well if water conditions are appropriate I would use a diatom filter to remove the cloud only run the diatom filter for 1 hr possiable 2 hrs at a time. should be plenty to remove the cloud also if u have filter feeders i would strongly puting food back into the system as the diatom filter will remove particales up to 1 micron in size. as long as there are no other water "problems " this will remove the cloud :)