Cloudy Water???


I have had my tank up for a few weeks but I've had to move stuff around quite a bit including siphoning back and forth but everything is running smooth but the water is cloudy??? Why??? I'm running a coralife super skimmer with plenty of bubbles?


What salt you using? whats your cal levels? anything like precipitation going on?


Active Member
If you are moving things around and stirring up the fine sand with syphoning that is the problem right there.The sand has'nt even had a chance to settle with bacteria. Leave it alone.


and if you MUST move it do your best to keep from stiring up the sand if very fine it can take a hile to get clear when u put water back in tank use a plate or bowl on the sand and pou waer or siphon back in into it so as to not stir everything amuck

nm reef

Active Member
Why are you syphoning? I'd agree that the cloudy water is likely due to disturbing the sand bed...allow it to settle and don't disturb it. I'm betting in a few days time the water will clear up. the skimmer you use isn't allowing micro bubbles to be returned to the display......large amounts of micro bubbles can cause a milky appearance too.