Cloudy water


New Member
Ok it's been a while since I've set up a tank. LAST time I got away with good filtration, good lighting and NO skimmer. This time, set up is good lighting, good filtration and again no skimmer in a 35-gallon. Trouble is, over the past week I've gotten cloudy water. Whenever I leave my lights on seems to get worse. Checked the levels and everything is in the good. Fish and corals seem not to be affected by the water though, so I don't believe it to be a water quality (healthwise at least) issue right now. Can any one out there lend a hand?????


Is it green cloudy? If so, it's probably an algae bloom. When I had this problem in the past the only thing that worked was buying a skimmer. It cleard up in about 24 hours. What harm could it do having a skimmer anyway? They can only help.


New Member
Yes green cloudy. Bought a skimmer this weekend, should be delivered Tuesday. Thought that might have been the problem. Thanks for the advise.


don't keep ur lights on all the time...set a photo. time...keep the light on for about 10 hours then turn on moon lights...algae can't grow if it doens't have light...just like all plants


New Member
Added the protein skimmer and changed the charcoal and things look great. I appreciate all the help that you offered. Tanks looks great again!!!!!