Cloudy Water


I have had my 20gal tall setup now for almost 2 months. I know its still new but i cant seem to get the water clear. i have about 20lbs of lr and lbs of ls. all water tests show perfect. i have a small karan and a small tang, along with a scooter blennie and a manderian goby and 2 damsals. everything seems to be good. I have a small sump with a skilter 250 running in the sump. no other filter systems. I have tried Kent Pro-Clear but no result. any tips? thanks


Over did it on your fish. A mandarin should go into a stable matured 6+ month old tank with lots of LR. You have a Korean Angel in there? WOW! Instead of clearing this one up get a bigger tank. A tang is also to big for the tank. They need 75+ gallons to be happy.


also, i dont have room for a larger tank. If i take back the tang and karan what should i get that would be small and good for the tank?


The Mandarin needs to go back also. A flame angel is small and brightly colored. Add fish slowly. What are your water readings? Is the cloudiness sand particles? If so then the power heads (if u have some) are probably stirring them up.


Also how long has the tank been cloudy? Ever since set up or is it something that developed? You putting in any additives or buffers?


Come to think of it. it has never been 100% clear. the water tests show ph 8.2, sal 1.23, ammo 0.0, nitrite 0.0, nitrate about 2ppms its between 0 and 5. as far as thr manderian, he is very heathly. I have him feeding on brine. Doing very well just like all the other fish. Cloudy water seems to be my only problem.


As long as you see the mandarin eating it might be okay. Does the product you add make a cloud in your tank (most do when added) and it just doesn't clear up?


I have just started adding the product. It almost seems like the water gets very cloudy during feeding time? I just noticed this.


Is the coral vital purple colored and smells like apricots? It does clound the water, but mine clears up in a day, since i only add it 2-3 times a week.
1> Cut back on feeding to every other day
2> Cut back additives to every other day
3> Got a cleanup crew? it could be caused by decaying matter, thats not picked up by your test kits.