cloudy water


I just started my new 30g saltwater tank. I added RO water and instant ocean salt and brought the sg to 1.024. I have all new filters that contain carbon and biomedia and rinsed the media before i started cycling them through the saltwater, but my water is cloudy. I think it may be from not thoroughly rinsing my media, but I was wondering if it could be something else. I am waiting to add my live rock to make sure its nothing serious. Ammonia and nitrates/nitrites are all 0 and ph is 8.0. If the cloudy water is due to the lack of thoroughly rinsing the media, how long before it clears up?


Hello, Its been my experience with Instant ocean that it has to be added VERY slowly. strange as it may sound make all of your RO water before adding salt. Once you have all of the RO water ready, Add the salt 1 cup or 1/2 cup at a time, add the next cup after the water clears, may take 1/2 hr, wait till the water clears, and so-on. I'm thinking your cloudy water is a result of the salt simply not mixed yet. incidentally, There are some very good threads here about salt mixing once your tank is up.