cloudy water


hello today i walked into my room and noticed that my fish tank was cloudy. not very cloudy but just enough so that it looks pretty unappealing if you know what i mean. all my water parameters are in check and all my intake and outake tubes are clear. i have and overflow box with a sump and a fluval 404. what happened and what can i do about it?


i just changed it about 10 days ago although when i changed the carbon i switched to biochemzorb.


the effectiveness of carbon is used up in 24-48 hours....IDK about that stuff you got though there any way you can just add some regular carbon in a bag.....or something like that????


the lady at the fs said that she used the stuff i mentioned and her water was crystal clear and so was mine until now and i realized its been a little more thatn ten days i will probably change the stuff this week oh and do you have any suggestions on what to do with your fish tank when you go on vacation because i am going away with my family for a week next week and i need someone to put water in my tank everyday when it evaporates and feed the fish


LOL....I never go anywhere :(
Do you have a family member or close neighbor you can trust???? Best I can tell you is show them what to do...and hope for the best.....


the thing is that my whole family is going but i thing my uncle might be able to stay at my house for a week im not really close with my neighbors LOL but i will just have to think of something thanks for the advice
i would have to agree with running carbon if your not already, if you run carbon like i do then you might want to go with a phosban reactor with carbon in it..