Cloudy Water


New Member
I searched all over this site before posting this question. I had a 75 gal FO set up with CC as the substrait. Upon reading here, I removed the CC, and added 150 lbs of Southdown play sand. Its been more than 24 hours and my tank still looks like milk. Is there anything I can do to clear this up? Or just wait? The pic is the tank after I removed the CC.
How did you add your SD?
I made the mistake of just dumping it in.:mad: It's been exactly one week this afternoon, and I still have a day or two before it will be clear. The only good thing on your side - is if you've cycled already, I've read that the bacteria will form a layer around the sand grains and make it sink faster.
Good Luck!


New Member
When I added my southdown sand I made sure it was wet first and gradually added it to the water. The LFS advised me to do this way so that I wouldn't create a "sandstorm".


New Member
It seems to be clearing up, maybe I was making mistake #1, being impatient. Here's a pic after 30 hours. If anyone has any advice to offer, I'd love to hear!
Same thing happened to me, I stuffed my Fluval and aquaclear 300 with poly floss and carbon, it cleared it up nicely. It didn't get crystal clear for another 3 days or so