

my tank is cloudy alot , and when it gets cloudy it stays cloudy for a while it happens usaully when i move a rock or something, but wut is their that i can buy , or do??:confused:


When you move a rock does it cloud up immediatly? Like sand coming out of the rocks?
Could be that you simply are not cleaning the rocks. I take a turkey baster and squirt water into the holes and cracks to get the decomposed matter and sand and just plain ole junk out of them to keep them clean.
Or you may have disturbed something, and may need to check for ammonia spike. I don't think that this is the case. Nothing looks ill does it.
Are you moving the rocks right out of the sand?


Active Member
it is probably that there is soo much pressure under the rock that when u move it water displacement is in the effect creating a current that lifts up the sand and clowds the tank. That or thomas hit it right ont the button...


I recommend not moving the rock set it up and leave it alone, every time you move it you may be causing a mini spike due to all the gunk from feedings that have been decaying under the rock and what not being mixed up into the water mass this can also be causing a bloom in the tank besides the sand or other debris. I know it is hard to leave it alone but it will save youproblems in the long run. and also it will settle haturally as the nitrifing bacteria catch up with the added AMMO, I don't recommend putting unnatural in the tank, just be patient.
Just my .02