clow eaten


my small clown has disappeared,checked everywhere,overflows ,rocks,fed the tank twice,he always eats,then i noticed,i bought a large 4inch umbrella mushroom,it was small when i got it,i noticed it was turned inside out ,like in a ball,as if something was inside,its big enough,well i dont know how long he could have been in there,i pried open the mouth of shroom and there was like this white stringy stuff,but no clown,im thinking that stuff was the clown,i have a book on corals,it shows a mushroom eating a bangaii cardinal,the pic looked just like my situation,could this be?anyone ever have this happen?any ideas,its a single polyp shroom ,bought on internet?? does this sound possible??


Active Member
im not sure but it sounds like you just saw the feeding tentacles of the mushroom. do you have any lionfish or eels? any agressive fish? it is possible they could have eaten it. also, i read a thread once about when someones maroon clown was stuck in his clam


could the clown have jumped out of the tank? small fish will almost evaporate in to thin air pretty quickly if they jump out and die. look real close behind the tank in the smallest crevices and you just might find your fish, or whats left of him.........either way sorry for the loss.