clown acting weird

birds fan

Dumb question but I figured I'd asked ayway. I have 2 true perc clowns. One has been swiming up to the other, positioning itself vertically and appearing to shake or have a type of seizure (at least that's how it appears). Is this a mating ritual? It's unclear as to me as to what they are doing. They appear to be juveniles as they are only about 1" so I don't think they are quit mature yet to do the "nasty".


Active Member
if its shaking its tail at him vigorously he...she would be establishing dominance and will more than likely become the female. most clowns do this so no worries


Active Member
If you observe them closely you will notice that one will charge the other.... when it gets close to it the other one will display this body language.... cupping its body side ways and shaking. The perc that charges is asserting dominance over the other. The one that shakes is submitting to the challenge. You will see in time that the one that charges will become the female.


ha i was just about to create a thread about my clownfish having a seizure around the other. It seems sometimes mine does it when it gets close to the other not just when it charges at him.


Active Member
Still the same meaning.. yours is just making sure it doesnt get charged at by showing its submission before any conflict.