Clown and Humu Problems...


New Member
I have a 60gal. w/
Clown Trig.
Humu Trig.
YellowHead Goby
Lunar Wrasse
SnowFlake Eel
2 Red Hairy Leg Crabs
4 Common Crabs.
I see both Trigs look like they have ICH, Everything else looks good. What's the best way to treat them? I didn't have a QT at first but now I do. It's a 10 gal., Can I put both in there and treat 'em both at the same time? How many fish can I treat at a time? Should I remove my crabs and treat my DT? Please help a greenhorn, Thanks.


Beth has a good thread on this. She recommends hypo salinity. Look under disease and treatment forum for complete description. Otherwise, you can remove inverts and treat with Seachem Cupramine. Make sure QT has cycled, otherwise it probably will when you are treating and then you will have problems


Also, you knowthe trigs will out grow the 60g in no time at all. How big are thr trigs. Once they get about 4" the golby and the brabs will be toast

crypt keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by BuddyRo
I have a 60gal. w/
Clown Trig.
Humu Trig.
YellowHead Goby
Lunar Wrasse
SnowFlake Eel
2 Red Hairy Leg Crabs
4 Common Crabs.
I see both Trigs look like they have ICH, Everything else looks good. What's the best way to treat them? I didn't have a QT at first but now I do. It's a 10 gal., Can I put both in there and treat 'em both at the same time? How many fish can I treat at a time? Should I remove my crabs and treat my DT? Please help a greenhorn, Thanks.
copper is the easy. You need to remove them first. How big are they? You really should have a bigger QT set up. 10 gallons is a joke. These fish get huge and need lots of space to swim. Clowns gets like 19 inches and the huma huma gets over 10. Huma huma if small should be fine for a while but the clown will not be.
did you just recently add a fish or buy these guys?
Get some cupramine. Get a copper test. Read the instructions. Put them in QT before they get the other fish sick which may be to late.


Active Member
If its ich its already too late. Its in your tank and you'll never get rid of it. Most fish, if healthy, are supposed to be able to fight off ich. Taking additional precautions like using a UV sterilizer would help prevent ich from becoming a deadly problem. You need a bigger qt then a 10 gallon for 2 triggers. If you're comfortable with hypo I would do that in the qt. You need a refractometer or a very nice hydrometer, not one of the crappy swing arm ones. Otherwise treat the qt with copper, but make sure you test daily for copper as it is toxic for fish. Still you will always have ich in your dt unless you remove all fish for ~6 weeks and any stress or water problems wiill cause ich to become a serious issue again.


Active Member
Um... holy moly you have a crowded tank which is probably affecting the health of it's inhabitants and their ability to fight ich off naturally.. good luck and Beth and her threads are great for this.


New Member
ok, I think i'm ok for the moment. I used Kent marine Rx-P for parasites. I did a quik dip for 15mins. both the Humu & Clown, both seem to have improved today and neither are showing white specs. anymore. I farmed the Goby out to a friend. From now on I'll QT everything before adding to my DT.


Read Beth's page. IMO hypo is the best if you have a qt, but you don't have a lg enough one, so I would remove all of the inverts and use Seachem Cupramine. Very stable, easily removed, and not so "touchy". Just remember, depedning on what stage ICK is most likely still floating (swimming) around in yur tank waiting for a host


Make sure that you don't copper your DT or the die off on your live rock will wipe off your fish. In all honesty that many aggressive fish in that size tank is probably causing so much waste build up that it lowered your fishes immune systems so now they have ich. Not to mention triggers aren't exactly the neatest eaters. Do you test your water for ammonia, nitrites,nitrates ect? Because if that's the problem even if you treat for ich, once you put those fish back in you're just going to get new problems. Fish can handle nitrates in lower concentrations but any ammonia or nitrites would be trouble for you. Check your PH because a bad PH can affect your fish too. When you get ich covering all your fish usually something lowered their immune systems to begin with and you want to find out what that issue was. QTing all of those fish in a 10 gallon tank would probably cause that clown trigger to go beligirent as well. You're going to want to buy a QT tank that's not just big enough to QT a new fish before it goes in your system but one that has the ability to QT ALL of your fish if it comes down to it. Tub ware containers work as well to an extent.