Clown and tangs


Back in tha day, when I didn't know that tangs shouldn't be in a 20 gallon... I had a yellow tang and a false perc together, they got along fine. Assuming that you have a 55+ for the tang, you shouldn't have any problems. :D

sinner's girl

i've seen them together many clown didn't like the yellow tang though.
be sure you add them in the correct order, least aggresive first (i don't know which it would be, i've heard and seen different things) and be sure you have a 4 foot + tank (imo 55gl isn't big enough if it's tall not long)


I've never had a problem with that combination. Every once in a while the yellow will "move them" if it doesn't want them where they are, but outside of that no problems.

sal t. nutz

I have a purple tang that I swear is in LOVE with my Maroon clown. Whenever the clown comes out of the anemone, the Tang follows him and always wants to be around him. Never have they had a fight, and they bonded after like 2 days.