Clown/Anemone pair- lighting


I have a 55 gal standard tank with 48'' Power Compact Aquarium Light 6X 65 w/ Moon Lights. I wish to get one of the following:
True Percula pair
False Percula pair
Black Percula pair
Maroon pair
Only one. Not all four. What anemones are compatible with one or more of the said pairs and with the lighting system? And, if compatible, where on the established reef would you suggest putting them?


bubble tip anemone
theres really no advice anybody can give you on where to put it(just remember that they move around sometimes and sting other corals


Active Member
Originally Posted by beenbag497
bubble tip anemone
theres really no advice anybody can give you on where to put it(just remember that they move around sometimes and sting other corals
I disagree...
None with your current light set up. While IMO a BTA can survive under PC lighting its a very large gamble. Ensuring that they remain at the top of your tank minimum 4" below the surface is something you cannot do. For that you chance having it search your tank for what could be months for that spot where it will feel safe, secure and comfortable while still getting what it needs as far as flow and lighting. Offering minimal lighting for this animal will only make this very difficult for it to do.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Ino
It's not minimal. We're talking 400 watts here.

Watts is not the way to measure the intensity of your lights. Intensity is produced by the lumens and PAR of your bulbs. PC bulbs have the lowest lumen per watt out put when comparing PC, T5HO and MH lighting. The reflectors on the fixture asked about is minimal allowing for a ton of light to be wasted. And the bulbs are the least efficient of the 3.


but they're more efficient than any of the VHO lights i've had, and I've successfully kept condys(i know, easy), and several species of coral under my past lights. I tend to be fairly fortunate at maintaining perfect water quality, also, which should help. As today's tank bred clowns don't really need an anemone, I might skip it altogether in favor of a lush and similar looking mushroom to fool on-lookers. Much easier to care for.


Originally Posted by PerfectDark
I disagree...
None with your current light set up. While IMO a BTA can survive under PC lighting its a very large gamble. Ensuring that they remain at the top of your tank minimum 4" below the surface is something you cannot do. For that you chance having it search your tank for what could be months for that spot where it will feel safe, secure and comfortable while still getting what it needs as far as flow and lighting. Offering minimal lighting for this animal will only make this very difficult for it to do.


what corals host anemones? I know that I used to have some kind of mushroom that looked like an anemone, but what else will percs or maroons take a liking to?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Ino
what corals host anemones? I know that I used to have some kind of mushroom that looked like an anemone, but what else will percs or maroons take a liking to?
They will take a liking to whatever appeals to them. You cant guarantee that they will host anything. However, you need to think about weather or not you want your clown to host a coral. In most cases the coral ends up dieing because the clownfish is too aggressive or just suffocates it. Unfortunatly in a lot of cases its unavoidable the clown will pick what ever it wants. Getting a hardy coral like a leather or mushroom first. This might be a good idea to offer that as a host so your more delicate corals you may purchase in the future wont fall victim. Again nothing is guaranteed.....


Originally Posted by Ino
what corals host anemones? I know that I used to have some kind of mushroom that looked like an anemone, but what else will percs or maroons take a liking to?
should a clown host a coral, it will almost always kill the coral eventually.


Originally Posted by Ino
what corals host anemones? I know that I used to have some kind of mushroom that looked like an anemone, but what else will percs or maroons take a liking to?
Get something hardy that can take a beating like the toadstool leather they sell here
Mods don't worry the link is to Saltwaterfish's coral section

The bigger the better too, a two inch clown will do more damage to a small coral than it will do to a large one.


Active Member
Originally Posted by natemd
Get something hardy that can take a beating like the toadstool leather they sell here
Mods don't worry the link is to Saltwaterfish's coral section

The bigger the better too, a two inch clown will do more damage to a small coral than it will do to a large one.
But as stated above the as the fish will grow larger and more aggressive and host more aggessively. The out come although maybe lenghtend will be the same, in most all cases the coral dies.


My maroon pair hosted the bubble tip anemone instantly. It was like love at first sight.


Thanks for all of your feedback, guys! I'm sorry to hear that most corals don't survive the clownfishes love. ;-) But there's good news; I saw a T-5 lighting system at petsmart for sale, and if I decide to get an anemone, I'll supplement it with either that or a small metal halide spotlight. If not, then I'll just buy a whole bunch of fuzzy corals, 'cuz I don't think I could live without clownfish.


Originally Posted by Ino
Thanks for all of your feedback, guys! I'm sorry to hear that most corals don't survive the clownfishes love. ;-) But there's good news; I saw a T-5 lighting system at petsmart for sale, and if I decide to get an anemone, I'll supplement it with either that or a small metal halide spotlight. If not, then I'll just buy a whole bunch of fuzzy corals, 'cuz I don't think I could live without clownfish.

clown fish dont have to have a host.....i had clown fish long befor i got a anemone...and they never bothered any of my corals


yeah, the few i had never killed my corals, but I just think it's so much more magical to watch them associate with a host... plus, I don't really fancy the idea of one taking to a particularly expensive coral and decimating it.